Go on this Tour with Keni Akintoye

Super excited you found out my website!

Here, you will find a collection of my work showcasing a broad spectrum of my abilities.

From brand communication to digital marketing,web solutions, PR, media relations, content development, strategy, art direction, film/TV,and lots more…

My Social Network



OK! Don’t fall for that intro, I am not always that serious!
Look out for the fun side of me and some content that would be of interest to you.
My purpose is to create memorable experiences with beautiful people.

About me

Built a background as a Creative Artiste and evolved from being an entertainment entrepreneur into a New Media and Management professional. I am a Corporate and Social Communicator greatly empowered by my ability to synergize the power of New Media Technology with innovative ideas for Marketing, Business Development, Entertainment, Social Responsibility.

Backed by an intrinsic entrepreneurial mindset, I have been opportune to work on a number of start-ups and major brands with my multiple competences helping me to add great value from brand positioning to harnessing strong client relations, business partnerships and consequently driving revenue. My strength as a gifted communicator with a positive energy that inspires innovation as well as artistic and entrepreneurial creativity within my team has been my key to achieving set goals.

Looking to expand operations in communication and business development; building businesses, selling ideas/concepts and creating “outside the box” new and old media content as major tool for strategic Brand Development, Marketing Communication and Public Relations.

What I do


I Write

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I speak

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I offer group talks

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I mentor

As a young professional, I’ve always had a passion for engaging young people. I feel many mistakes can be avoided with the right mentorship.

Contact Me

Please feel free to contact. Would be lovely to hear from you:

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